founded by Annemarie Ehrlich in 1986
founded by Annemarie Ehrlich in 1986

Teresa Mazzei
Rome, Italy

Name: Teresa
Surname: Mazzei
Nationality: ITA
Residence: ITA (Rome)
Working languages: Italian, English
My professional background is based on a nearly twenty-year-long multiple-work experience in several companies, first as a consultant in leading consulting international firms, then as a treasury manager and a chief financial officer in a company for financial services.
Although I have always dedicated myself to my work with full commitment, my life has constantly been accompanied by a deep-lying question: What is the meaning of working for a firm? Why is the meaning of getting involved in apparently distant or meaningless tasks?
In 2006 I met Annemarie Ehrlich, taking part in her workshop "Eurythmy in the workplace"”. Since the very first meeting I was able to find some answers to my questions about “meaningless tasks” and I immediately grasped the high potential of this art for the development of organizations and of individuals working in them.
The impulse I received was so strong that I decided to start a six-year training course in Eurythmy and in "Eurythmy in the workplace"”, regardless of the difficulties I had trying to combine my working life with my training path.
In the meantime my working method changed considerably both in involvement and responsibility and became more meaningful.
I am also a member of ASD, Association for Social Development prompted from Lievegoed's impulse.
Master in Horizontal Leadership "A new Approach in Leadership development design for organisations and networks", IMO Instituut vor Mens&Organisatieontiewikkeling
Certificate of Hygienic Eurythmy from Eurythmeum CH, Ausbildung & Bühnenensemble Aesch/Svizzera (Leading Magrit Hitsch-Schindler)
Certificate of Eurythmy in the Workplace from Instituut voor Eurythmie in Werkgebieden, (Leading Annemarie Ehrlich)
Eurythmy Diploma from Eurythmeum Zuccoli, (Eurythmeum CH)
Certificate of art therapist from Fiore Azzurro
Master of science in Healthcare Management and Administration, University “Cattolica del Sacro Cuore”
Degree in Economics and Business Administration, University “Tor Vergata”